
Friday, March 25, 2016

B8: Cookie Crumbles

This week Josh and Emily unexpectedly create the feel-good dungeon setlist of the century. Kick back with them and imagine you're drifting off on a peaceful ranch, driving down the 101 on a sunny day, or chasing butterflies through a grassy field. HAJU chimes in and sounds super relaxed too, but perhaps due to a beverage mixup. Don't worry though. He just needs a few minutes to regain his balance and give things a second try.

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This episode was made possible by:
Game Track Title Composer(s)
My Pokemon Ranch Day Obata Miki
Fighting Golf Track 0 Aran Lee Shige
Mother 3 Mind of a Thief Shogo Sakai
Madou Monogatari II: Arle 16-sai PROPHETIC DREAM Masanobu Tsukamoto

Extra listening assignment: The Secret Labs from Mass Effect

Friday, March 18, 2016

Ep. 18: Trust Fall

ATTENTION PARENTS: You might want to preview this particular episode before your kindergartners listen along. Although Josh and Emily spend most of their time promoting substance-free childhoods and conscientious garbage disposal, this meetup is ostensibly rated PG. Other topics include trustworthiness, password storage preferences, Emily's hypothetical romantic relationships with various video game consoles and podcasts, and... you guessed it... BURGERTIME TIME! Tune in for all this and more, and witness Josh instigate a laughing fit the likes of which we haven't heard since our unofficial LJN focus.

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This episode was made possible by:
Game Track Title Composer(s)
Battle Squadron Intro Ron Klaren
Tetris Attack Water Stage Masaya Kuzume
Final Fantasy IV Within the Giant Nobuo Uematsu
Shadow of the Ninja Stage 4 Iku Mizutani, Kouichi Yamanishi
Busy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind Bluegrass Bobcat Matt Berado, Rudy Helm
Sonic CD Sonic Boom Spencer Nilsen, David Young, Mark Crew

...and listeners like YOU.

Friday, March 11, 2016

B7: Dry Bones

Watch your step -- we have some visitors in the dungeon, and they're fragile! This week Josh and Emily talk Turtles, triumphs, intrigue, and repetitive stress injuries. Will Emily become the WCW champion? Will the Haunted Jukebox earn a name? Will Tee the Dark Knight ever stop leaving the window open? And when will we hear the next installment of BurgerTime Time? Tune in for some answers!

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This episode was made possible by:
Game Track Title Composer(s)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Caverns Jun Funahashi
Gimmick! Sophia Masashi Kageyama
WCW World Championship Wrestling Match Kenji Yoshita
World Cup Striker ??? Mark Cooksey, Tee the Dark Knight (Courtesy of Intrigue)

Friday, March 4, 2016

Ep. 17: Wear the Stealth

You've shared the health, now wear the stealth! Josh and Emily try to sneak around the bar and cue up some cool jams without putting anyone into alert mode. This week's suggestions inspire conversation on everything from the nature of nostalgia to Tiger handhelds, and multiple patrons (and hosts) connect over the phenomenon of driving too fast while listening to VGM. There's also a new addition to the bar! Be sure to loiter around until closing so you get a good look at what Emily installed in the lobby on the way out.

Click above to listen or subscribe.  Click below for the usual direct download.

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This episode was made possible by:
Game Track Title Composer(s)
Altered Beast Opening Sequence, Stage 1 Tohru Makabayashi
Okami Shinshu Plains Theme Rei Kondo, Masami Ueda, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Akari Groves
R-Type Title Screen Chris Hülsbeck, Ramiro Vaca
Game & Watch Gallery Oil Panic Unknown
Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Castle Twinbee Stage Theme Yūichi Sakakura, Kenichi Matsubara, Satoko Minami
Commando High Score Rob Hubbard

...and listeners like YOU.

Extra credit readings:
lftkryo's YouTube channel
lftkryo's Chipophone demonstration (includes Commando "High Score" cover)
Patron Family Jules's interview with Matt Furniss on Retro Relapse Podcast