
Friday, December 15, 2017

Ep. 93: Into the Barrel

It looks like Emily and Josh are about to beat the game the old fashioned way. While they solidify their place on the scoreboard, they talk about artificial intelligence (again), cheesing with Guile, and Josh declares himself the poor man's champion. Towards the end of the episode Josh and Emily reveal the secret to making things mean more to you (hint: it hurts). Did I mention the tunes are good? I probably didn't have to. After all, this is the VGM Jukebox we're talking about.

P.S. here's the link regarding to the flier at the end of this episode.

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This episode was made possible by:
Game Track Title Composer(s)
Streets of Rage 2 Slow Moon Yuzo Koshiro
Rivals of Aether The Earthen Division (Rock Wall) flashygoodness
Front Mission 3 Rest 2 Koji Hayama, Hayato Matsuo, SHIGEKI
Tetris & Dr. Mario Mixed Match Music 1 Yumiko Kanki, Kazumi Totaka, Hirokazu Tanaka
Grandia II Commercial City of Liligue ~ Pretense of Prosperity (Liligue City) Noriyuki Iwadare
Flappy Golf Grassy Land Noodlecake Studios

...and listeners like YOU.


  1. As mentioned at the end of the episode, come check out our shiny new VGM Karaoke Lounge!


  2. If you have VGM Karaokes to submit, send them to jungletoads@yahoo.com

    Attach the MP3, and provide whatever following details you know...

    Game Title:
    Track Title:
    Composer Name:
    Your User/Patron Name:
    Show/Episode it Appeared On:

  3. Great episode, loved the Tetris & Dr. Mario game

    As someone who moved to the UK from California (7 years ago!), a good tip I disccovered for getting rid of stuff is (if possible) take a picture of it. I was very surprised how just seeing a picture of something I once owned made me feel like it was still with me.

  4. First off, Josh, glad to help you with your Golf Track continuing education certs. Keep ‘em coming!

    Y’all’s conversation about getting rid of stuff struck a chord with me, and it’s a wistful one. I have gotten rid of incredibly meaningful things, but due to my randomly selective memory, forgotten later. The tantalizing torture of trying to find something lost is only made worse when I realize that I decided at some point that I didn’t need the totem I’m searching for.

    The most painful things I’ve ever chosen to get rid of are the letters of correspondence I had with a girl I’ve mentioned here before. We developed a deep friendship and esteem for each other, but I was heading into a time of personal darkness, and I knew I couldn’t drag her down with me.

    I kept the letters to remind me of the deep sense of loss I carried, and to look back on what might have been. Years later, when I married my wife, I got rid of the letters. If I was to be faithfully dedicated to the woman I intended to spend my life with, it seemed counterproductive to hold onto memories of someone long gone. And, when I was being completely honest, I knew those letters represented a secret hope of resurrecting something long dead.

    As it turns out, letting go of those letters didn’t diminish the memories or longing. In fact, and this ties into that wise statement Em mentioned, the sense of loss only intensified. Even more than before, I am keenly aware of what no longer exists.

  5. It's painful for me to remember selling my copy of Final Fantasy X. Somehow I convinced myself that I wouldn't have any further need for it since I hadn't played it in a while, and I should use the money to pay down my credit card. I sold a lot of other games with it for the same reason, including A Link to the Past.

    Now that my youngest children are old enough to play games like Chrono Trigger independently (!!) I wish I'd hung on to FFX. Fortunately, we'll have the SNES Classic as a replacement for the other games I sold.

  6. Wow, Josh, I had forgotten about our “co-selection”! That Flappy Golf track really made my day. And Emily, your head canon of Josh and me sightseeing on a double decker bus was hilarious and endearing.
